Monday, June 20, 2016

Training Day 14

Day 14 was a Marathon Pace Medium Long Run. The idea is to run at a slower pace for the first several miles, in this case the first 5, and then finish at marathon pace.

It has been a while since I have run for any length of time around 9 minute miles, so I knew it wasn't going to be easy. Factoring in the temperature and humidity, along with the hills along the route, it was going to be that much harder. And it was! After my initial 5 miles, I was able to easily keep the pace right around 9:00 for the first of 4 two-mile legs. The second was just outside the 9:10 limit I had programmed into my watch. (9:12) I fell off even further on miles 10 and 11 with a 9:23 average, and then finished the final uphill miles at 10:03 pace.

I'm not really worried too much about not making the goal paces this early in my training. I know that it was hard to do keep some of the paces early in training for my first half-marathon, so I've been here before. I would feel much better if I was training in cooler temps though. This is brutal weather for running, so I have to get up early in the morning.

I think for next Sunday, I'm going to try for a bit less hills for the long run. I also have to remember to bring something along to eat. I was wearing my hydration belt with 4 bottles of Gatorade, but my wife had made these oatmeal/banana/chocolate chip cookies, and I just forgot to take a few with me. As the long runs get longer, I'm really wanting to have something along to keep myself energized.

I went to the gym later in the day and did a bit of stretching, and as normal, I'll take Monday off with the exception of taking a walk with my son's dog. Two weeks down, 16 to go!

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