Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Leftists make me smh

I have never voted for a Democrat for president in the eight elections I have voted in. This doesn't really make me a Republican, but I'm closer to the GOP than the least today's leftist democrats. I have, on occasion, voted for Dems for different offices, and more recently, Libertarians.

The thing that keeps me away from leftists the most is class warfare. This isn't something that both sides do, which is the thing one often hears when talking politics. The left tries to demonize rich people, and they also insist that the GOP is an enemy of the middle class. While it may be true that the GOP touts their middle class credentials just as loudly, they are not pretending that the left is trying to wipe them out either.

I saw this on a Facebook post today:

It was actually posted by Occupy Democrats, an organization that I won't even spend a second researching, but it was shared by my sister. I could easily go down this list, point by point and completely destroy the notions of each of them. They have it all here. Sexism, racism, classism, environmentalism, etc.

I'm not sure which of these isms makes me smh more, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be classism. 

Class envy, in my opinion, is immoral. At least the political encouragement of it is, and this list has several. Making wealthy people into villains to gain or retain political power (and likely quite a bit of wealth incidentally) makes me ill.

I just thought I'd throw this out there quick...but I have to go. I want to go poison some water before I get to sleep.

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