Thursday, June 9, 2016

Training Day 4

Day 3 was a Rest/Cross Training day, and I did a stretch routine at the gym.

Today was Day 4 and it was a 9 mile General Aerobic run. I woke up for the run 1 minute before my alarm went off, and got up to have my coffee and banana. I got out the door just before 5AM and walked the few hundred yards to the start.

The run is supposed to be at a pace that is a bit faster than a recovery run, so I set my watch to monitor my pace between 10:00 and 10:30. I am not used to running this slow, but I am trying to keep to the pace so that I don't burn out for the faster training runs. The overall pace for the run was 10:12 pace, and there really was no problem keeping pace between the limits. I had to slow myself a few times early on when I dipped a bit faster than 10:00 pace, but there was no problem on the other end keeping it faster than 10:30.

The morning was way less humid than Tuesday which made for a much more comfortable run. My average HR for the run was 140.

I had no issues with pain other than a few minor irritations with my knees, which is pretty common for me to this point...and I also had my right hip "give" a little. This just made me concentrate on my form/posture more. Overall, the run was very easy, and I'm looking forward to doing some strength training in the gym later tonight.

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